We really try to keep our butterfly garden native or at least Florida-Friendly. But once in a while a plant catches the eye, and you have to just try it. This is purple shooting star. When you look online, you will see two species with this common name. The one here is Pseuderanthemum Laxiforum. It is a tropical. Native to Polynesia.
It is showing up in Florida nurseries, but from what I understand northern gardeners have long used it as an annual to really brighten up summer flower beds. This plant loves to bloom. And as you can see the flowers are delicate but really pack a punch of color.
I have a weakness for purple in the garden. Some test gardens in Florida are trying this species out to see how it does. So far the butterflies seem more interested in the red Pentas next door in our pollinator haven. But I have to admit, this one I selfishly hope thrives anyway.
It is rated moderately drought tolerant, but so far it has not wilted at all and the August heat was particularly brutal this year. I’ll let you know if the butterflies end up taking to it. And if it lasts throughout the winter. It is rated a perennial here, but actually likes it a little more tropical than my zone. Time will tell.